Tag: Metbah Lyngdoh

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UDP to Conduct Introspection Following Lok Sabha Setback

SHILLONG, JUNE 6: The United Democratic Party (UDP) is set to conduct a thorough introspection to identify the reasons behind its electoral setbacks, particularly...

Kwah ka UDP ban khot iakren biang ka Sorkar ia ka HNLC

Shillong, Iaiong 09: U President ka United Democratic Party (UDP) Bah Metbah Lyngdoh ula ban ba ka Sorkar Jylla ka dei ban shim khia...

Elekshon Lok Sabha | Pyllait ka RDA ia ka manifesto, kular buddien ia ka ILP, ktien Khasi bad kam khappud

Shillong, Iaiong 09 : Ka Regional Democratic Alliance (RDA) jong ka United Democratic Party (UDP) bad Hill State People’s Democratic Party (HSPDP) hynne ka...

Thaw ka UDP ia ka Election Committee ban jied ia ki kyrtong elekshon Lok Sabha bad MDC

Shillong, Naiwieng 13 : Ka United Democratic Party (UDP) ha ka sngi Nyngkong, kala thaw ia ka State Election Committee (SEC) ban jied ia...

“Ka UDP kam pat rai iano ban ai ticket iakhun elekshon Lok Sabha-2024” : Metbah

Shillong, Risaw 18 : U President ka United Democratic Party (UDP) Bah Metbah Lyngdoh ula iathuh ba ka party kam pat rai satia iano...


Iehnoh kam u Dr Aman War kum u Nongialam ka UDP

Shillong, Rymphang 22 : U Director ka Health Services...

Shillong Premier League | Nang jam shakhmat ka Mawlai ban tam ha ka jingkhur point

Shillong, Rymphang 22: Ka Mawlai SC kala bteng biang...

Elekshon MDC | Sngewskhem ka BJP ban ioh jingjop ha katto katne seat

Shillong, Rymphang 22: Ka Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) hynne...

Hapdeng ka jingpahara kaba jur, iaid beit ka Elekshon ha Wapungskur & Bataw Lakadong

Shillong , Rymphang 22: Hapdeng ka jingjur jong ka...

