New Delhi, Nov 25: Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Friday gave a detailed account of the firing incident on November 22, 2022, that claimed 6 lives at Mukroh Village in West Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya to Justice Arun Kumar Mishra, Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and other members of the NHRC, along with Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong.
Gave a detailed account of the firing incident that claimed 6 lives at Mukroh to Hon’ble Justice Arun Kumar Mishra Ji, Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission and other members of the NHRC with Hon’ble Deputy CM Prestone Tynsong@narendramodi @AmitShah @India_NHRC
— Conrad Sangma (@SangmaConrad) November 25, 2022
Deeming the incident as a clear violation of human rights, Sangma informed the Chairperson and the members about the series of events that led to the unfortunate and unprovoked firing by the Assam Police and the Assam Forest Guards that killed 5 civilians from Meghalaya and 1 Assam Forest Guard. He also told the Chairperson and the members about the actions that have been taken like the Central Agency enquiry into the matter.
He sought their support for necessary action from the NHRC’s end. In the meeting, Meghalaya CM also stressed on the need for proper sensitisation of forces deputed in sensitive border areas to prevent such incidents where precious lives are lost.
The meeting was also attended by Devendra Kumar Singh, Secretary General of NHRC, Rajiv Jain, Member NHRC and Cyril V. D Diengdoh, Secretary, Home Police, Government of Meghalaya.