MBoSE Exams 2025 | Over 64,000 plus students to appear for SSLC examination tomorrow


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Tura, Feb 9: A total of 64387 students will appear for the Secondary School Leaving Certificate Examination (SSLC – Class X) conducted by the Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBoSE), which begins Monday.

The exams will be held in 164 centres, spread across the state with 93 centres in the Shillong region, comprising of Khasi – Jaintia Hills and 71 centres in Tura region, comprising of Garo Hills.

A total of 26526 male and 37861 female students will appear the exam.

Of which, in category Regular – I: 29973, Regular – II: 16028, Private: 1455, Non Regular: 1884 , Improvement: 21 and Compartmental: 15026.

Students from 1,896 schools and institutions will be participating in the examinations, with 698 affiliated and 1,198 unaffiliated institutions.

Last year a total of 55191 students had appeared for the examinations with a pass percentage of 55.80 percent.

The exams will conclude on February 21.

The first paper will be English, which will be held on February 10, followed by Indian Languages or Additional English on February 12. Health and Physical Education, Computer Science, or Vocational Subjects will be conducted on February 14. Social Science is scheduled for February 17, while Science and Technology will take place on February 19. The final paper, Mathematics or Special Mathematics, will be held on February 21.

Examinations will begin at 10:00 am and end at 1:00 pm, with exam halls opening at 9:30 am. Question papers will be distributed at 9:45 am, and answer scripts will be handed out at 9:50 am. For Vocational Subjects, the theory examinations will only last for one hour, from 10:00 am to 11:00 am.

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