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Meghalaya Government finalizes on chairpersons for MSCW and MSCPCR , set to announce on June 4

SHILLONG, MAY 23: The state government has finalised the appointment of the new chairpersons of the Meghalaya State Commission for Women (MSCW) and Meghalaya...

Dep rai ka Sorkar ia ki briew ban shimti ia ka kam Chairperson ka MSCW, MSCPCR

Shillong, Jymmang 23: Ka Sorkar Jylla kala dep rai ia ki briew ki ban shimti ia ka kam Chairperson thymmai jong ka Meghalaya State...


Bthah ka Iingkashari ia ka CBI ban aiti ia ka thup ki sakhi ha ka jyrsieh thungkam Nonghikai

Shillong, Lber 11 : Ka Iingkashari Meghalaya High Court...

Shillong Premier League | Pynkut ka Rangdajied ia ka samoi da ka jingjop ba 5-1 kol

Shillong, Lber 11: Ka Rangdajied United FC kala pynkut...

