Tag: Dr Ricky AJ Syngkon

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Pynrem ka VPP ia ka rai ka Sorkar India ban pynkhuid shnong ha ka Sngi U Blei

Shillong, Nailur 29 : Ka Voice of the People Party (VPP) ha ka sngi Thohdieng, kala pynrem ia ka rai jong ka Sorkar India...

VPP directs its MLA for transparent implementation of schemes, release regular reports

Shillong, Aug 31: The opposition Voice of the People Party (VPP) on Thursday asked all its four legislators to ensure the MLA scheme is...

Kyntu ka VPP ia ki MLA ban pyntrei ia ki skhim haba shai bad ai kaiphod sha u paidbah

Shillong, Nailar 31 : Ka Voice of the People Party (VPP) ha ka sngi Palei, kala kyntu ia baroh 4 ngut ki MLA ba...

Shen yn rai ka VPP ia ki kyrtong ban iakhun elekshon MDC

Shillong, Nailar 31 : Ka Voice of the People Party (VPP) kan sa shim rai shen halor ki kyrtong ki ban mih iakhun ia...


KHADC | Dang mar shiteng ioh ka Council ia ka song pisa na ka Tied bad Untied Grant

Shillong, Lber 28: Ka Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council...

Phah tuklar ka JNC ha u DMHO ba khlem treikam ka OT bad Laboratory ha Khliehriat Civil Hospital

Shillong, Lber 28: Ka Jaintia National Council (JNC) Khliehriat Circle...

