Let locals decide on railway project in Jaiñtia Hills without outside interference: Kyrmen Shylla

Kyrmen u bah Kyrmen | Kat kiba jop ia ka Elekshon MP kin dei kiba trei na bynta u paidbah
Kyrmen Shylla

Shillong, Feb 26: United Democratic Party (UDP) leader and cabinet minister Kyrmen Shylla said that the people of Jaintia Hills should be allowed to take a decision on the railway issue without interference from outsiders.

“I would like to see that there is no interference from anybody. Let the public (of Jaintia Hills) decide (on the railway issue),” Shylla told reporters when responding to a query on a new proposal for a 180-kilometre rail line from Chaparmukh Junction in Assam to Jowai in Meghalaya.

Though consultation is still going on, the Khliehriat legislator however said that there is a need to organize a big meeting where everyone, especially the locals from the particular area can participate and take a decision on such a proposal.

“If supposed they want to bring the train to Jowai, let the people of Jowai decide and if it goes through my area, let my people decide whether to accept it or not. No interference should be there from outsiders. That’s all I want to say,” Shylla said.

Asked if there is any kind of interferences from any quarters, the minister however said, “I cannot say if it there or not as it has not come (to my notice) but I am just saying that if there is any thing, they should not (interfere) but they let the local people decide because they know better about their livelihood and how they are. Who are we to poke on other people’s plates? It is okay to support as no doubt we will love to have the support of others because we should take care of our people.”

Further, Shylla said he is committed to stand by his people and their decision on the railway proposal.

“As local representatives, we will have to talk with our people. If they say no, that means we will stand against the government if they try to bring it (railways). If the public say yes, we will stand with the public and then request for it. I am with the public, either yes or no, I am with them,” he asserted.